臉書漏洞 洩露六百萬用戶資料

Caitlin McGarry Computer World Hong Kong 2013-06-25 11:29:00

Facebook accidentally exposed 6 million users' contact information. Watch out for an email alert from the network to find out if you were affected by an apparent security bug.



Patrick Budmar Computer World Hong Kong 2013-05-07 00:00:00

Businesses are more open to using the Cloud for outsourcing tech components of their infrastructure than ever before, according to CloudRecover CEO, Mac Thompson.


"互聯網歷史上最大規模攻擊" 癱瘓全球網絡

Dave Lee BBC News Technology 2013-03-27 13:03:00

The internet around the world has been slowed down in what security experts are describing as the biggest cyber-attack of its kind in history.



BBC News Technology 2013-03-22 11:03:00

More than 75,000 requests were made by police forces around the world for data on Microsoft users in 2012.



BBC News Technology 2013-03-21 11:34:00

A surreptitious scan of the entire internet has revealed millions of printers, webcams and set-top boxes protected only by default passwords.
